Help CenterResources for MembersHow can I manage text and email notifications?

How can I manage text and email notifications?

Members can change their notifications for each group they belong to based on their preferences. Please note that notification preferences are customized on a group-by-group basis, allowing you more control over which notifications you want to receive and which you do not. 

1. Click on the bell icon in the top right of the group page

2. In the box that appears, choose how you want to receive notifications and click Save

If your account does not have either an email or a cell on file, there will be a notification at the top that will direct you to your profile so you can provide one to get that type of notification. 

Then, for each group, you have the option to turn on or off email or text notifications for announcements. If you are a leader of a group, you may also see a broadcast icon that will turn on and off leader digest emails

Finally, you can choose which comments you are notified of: 

  • All means you will get a notification each time a public comment is posted in reply to any announcement. 
  • Daily digest means you will get one email per day (if there is any activity) with a summary of all announcements and comments for that group. 
  • Related means you will get a notification each time a comment is posted to an announcement that you authored or have already replied to. 
  • Mute means you will get no comment notifications. 

Confirmation and reminder emails

You will also receive an email when you signup or RSVP for an event, as well as a reminder email (if the administrator has set up reminders). These emails are currently not able to be adjusted, but you can set up a filter in your email client if you do not want them to come to your inbox.