How can I let people sign up to do - or bring - a custom item?
Signups can be attached to an event if the signup pertains to a specific event, or as stand-alone items in an email announcement.
As a group organizer, click the Compose button and then select Email to create an email. Give the announcement a title and optionally add some text or context. Put your cursor where you would like the signup to appear and on the right click the Signup item if it is a standalone signup, or Event if the signup is part of an event. You can specify the generalities of what needs to be done or brought, and click OK.
When a member clicks to Sign up for a slot, they will have the option to enter a description, and in this way they can communicate their custom role or item. In this example, we’re having a potluck and asking everyone to enter what they’re bringing.

Signup Management
Once the signup has been sent, you will see the option to "Manage responses".
Here, you can see who has signed up, edit their responses, and export the information to a .CSV file using the "download" icon in the upper right.
Additionally, you can use the "email" drop down to email those who have or have not signed up.