How do I create a subgroup in my organization?
A subgroup is a group that is contained within another group. When members are added to a subgroup, they are automatically added to any parent groups of that subgroup. Similarly, if a member is deleted from a parent group, that member is also deleted from all of the parent's subgroups. Organizations may have unlimited levels of subgroups. Individual plan groups may not have subgroups.
1. From either the groups browser on the left or the Add button in the upper right, click Create a new group.
2. In the window that appears, give your group a name and choose the parent group of which you want the new group to be a subgroup.

To make an existing group into a subgroup
If you have an existing group, you can make it a subgroup of another group.
- Click on the group you want to move
- Go to the Settings page
- Choose Move this group
- Use the Parent group drop down to choose the parent group where this will be a subgroup
- Click Save group