How do I compose an email announcement to members?

Compose an announcement

Click Compose from the Announcements page to get started by sending an email or text announcement to your group members. 

Announcements have a title and may have richly formatted text content, documents, and images. In addition, announcements may contain action items or events with tasks that members of the group are expected to complete or things for which members may signup to do or bring. 

Use the bar along the top of the email body to format your text (including links), and add images or attachments (using the paperclip icon). 

Single images can also be inserted from the paperclip icon or by copy/pasting the image into the body of the email. Once inserted, use the controls in the upper right to choose the size and alignment of the image. Use this feature to add a header image to your email or include a full picture within your text. 

Multiple images added as attachments will display in a gallery of thumbnails in the delivered email, which can then be clicked on to view individually.

Customize your message

Want to address your members individually by name, confirm their mailing address, or include other custom information in your email? Use the Token button to insert information specific to each member (similar to Mail Merge). 

Allow members to respond

Want your members to respond to you? Use one of the interactive features of an announcement to have your members complete an action item on the right side of the announcement. 

  • Poll your members to find out what book to read next.
  • Add a signup to make potlucks a breeze. 
  • Use a form to gather feedback from each member. 
  • Events can also include RSVP and signups, which allow you to know who is coming to your event and what they are bringing or doing! 

Send to members

Once you are done creating the announcement, you can preview what members will see once you send it. Once received, members will be able to read and respond to the contents of the announcement. Members can then reply to the email or text or click to complete action items.