How do I manage responses to calendar RSVPs and signups?
To see who has RSVP'ed or signed up for an event, start by going to the group calendar and clicking on the event.

In the upper right of the event pop-up, select the 3 stacked dots and choose either Manage RSVP responses or Manage signup assignments.
RSVP responses
In the RSVP responses, you will be able to see each member's reply.
By clicking on the Yes, No, Maybe, and Pending options along the top (next to the search bar), you can filter to only show the members who selected that answer. Click again to return to seeing the entire list.
Clicking the download icon in the upper right (the icon that looks like a cloud with a down arrow inside of it) will export this information as a .CSV file for printing and record keeping.
By clicking the email icon in the upper right, you can email members who have or have not responded to the RSVP.
Signup assignments
In the Signup assignments area, you can see who has signed up for the various options. Clicking the download icon in the upper right (the icon that looks like a cloud with a down arrow inside of it) will export this information as a .CSV file for printing and record keeping.
Clicking on the email icon in the upper right will allow you to email those who have or have not signed up for an assignment.