Help CenterCommunicationWhat happens if a member does not have a cell or email?

What happens if a member does not have a cell or email?

Members without an email address

For members who have no email address on file and only have a cell number listed, their default settings will be to get text notifications only. 

If you decide to compose an email, you can opt to send the email announcement as a text message to those without an email on file. This is available by previewing your message and clicking on Settings for this email in the lower left corner, and then choosing Send as a text message to the recipients unreachable by email.

The email will then be sent to the cell-only member as a keyed link, which they can click on to view and respond to action items without having to log in. 

Members without a cell number

For members who have no cell number on file and only have an email listed, their default settings will be to get email notifications only. 

If you decide to compose a text, you can also opt to send the text announcement as an email to those without a cell number on file. This is available by previewing your message and checking the box that reads Send as an email to the # recipients unreachable by text message.