Help CenterCommunicationWhat's new? (Spring 2021 release)

What's new? (Spring 2021 release)

Our most recent update was released on March 26, 2021. This article will walk you through what’s changed and where to find some of your favorite features.

New Layout

As an admin, you will no longer see the Admin drop-down in the upper right corner. Instead, you will see the same controls in the pages listed along the top of the group.

What happened to the Feed?

In order to give leaders more control over the member experience, the Feed has been replaced by the Announcements page. Members can still reply to announcements publicly to all members or privately to just the person who wrote it, and all replies, both public and private, are now tracked on the announcement itself.

How can I send an email or text message?

From the Announcements pane, click on the + button in the upper right corner and choose email or text message. Then compose, preview, and send your announcement! 

How can I see what members see?

Go to your profile icon in the upper right and choose “switch to member view.” Members will see:

  • the Announcements page (formerly the Feed) where they can view and reply to all announcements, 

  • and the Calendar page (if there are any calendar events) where they can view the calendar in list or calendar view, RSVP, sign up to do or bring items, and sync calendar events to their personal calendar.

Looking for the Onboarding section?

For organizations, Registration and Text-to-join settings are now located on the Settings page. If you are looking to make your calendar public, this can be done from the Calendar page.

Where can I set a max on my event or allow others to invite guests?

We have removed the ability to add guests or set maximums on guest limits using RSVPs, but you can achieve the same outcome by using a signup instead of an RSVP on your event. 

Custom fields, importing and tokens

Custom fields are not new, but they can be leveraged in new and powerful ways.

Improved importing

Spend less time formatting and get your members imported into quicker. We have completely redesigned the import flow for adding new members via spreadsheet which can also be used to update information for existing members.

Customized messages with tokens

Personalize your messages to members by addressing them by name or including information specific to them.

Increased flexibility using custom fields

Utilize custom fields where you want them. Not only can you include custom field information in Announcements using tokens, you can also: 

  • Choose which custom fields appear in member profiles 

  • Allow members to update custom information using forms

  • In the organization plan, manage which custom fields can be accessed or written to from subgroups

Much more

The spring release is loaded with other improvements large and small. Here are a few of the most noteworthy changes:

No passwords required

When it comes time for your members to view and respond to announcements, they can do so with just a click! Entering a password is only required when members want to update their account profile.

Add inline images to email announcements now allows you to add a single image and choose its size and alignment. Use this feature to add a header image to your email or include a full picture within your text. Multiple images can also be added as attachments and will display in a gallery of thumbnails in the delivered email, which can then be clicked on to view individually. 

Reach the right people

You can now  add members from other groups, making it easier to be sure the right people are getting the right message.